Flowers attract bees to make honey…

Yes , you truly reap what you saw and what you put out you get . Plant the seeds of flowers to grow flowers . Flowers beautify the surroundings and attract bees or butterflies . Bees give us honey and the flowers could feed our bodies , spirits and souls with peace , love , compassion , wisdom and joy …I watered those flowers while taking the dust or soil and the yellow leaves from the floor to enrich the soil that feeds the roots of the flowers .This refreshed my spirit and my body . Gody refresh our energies and illuminate our powers (I have read this prayer online )…

Likewise ,metaphorically speaking , let us enrich our lives and our surroundings with all goodness . Good constructive deeds refresh our energies . A verse in the bible says :” The generous would prosper and those who refresh others , would themselves be regreshed .”

As Abraham Hicks says that when you focus on the good, the good gets better …

Peace and love from Lebanon on the Eastern Mediterranean shores …

Best wishes …

Inspiration , economy and spirituality